Sunday, 22 February 2009

Trip to London

It has been a very exciting week... on Wednesday Skinny Minnie took me to work with her.

heres me on the train

heres me using the internet...

and heres me looking at my blog wondering if anyone has left a comment ;o)

We stayed in a hotel too (for some reason I couldnt get any pictures of me here). It would have been an early start otherwise as we had to be at the studio for 8.20 am.

I wasnt able to be in the show as they have a silly rule that you have to be over 16 to be a diner (Im not even one yet!), but I was able to listen to what was going on.

It all sounded really good. and by what SM and Boney were saying they got to sample some yummy things.

There was nothing with honey or marmalade though so Im not too disappointed...

Saturday, 14 February 2009

Off to the Market

Im a very excited bear...

...I heard Skinny Minnie and Boney talking about going to Market Kitchen next week, and by what they said, I think Im going with them ;o).

With all the excitement I havent had a chance to look up what to do in Edinburgh yet

Saturday, 7 February 2009

Going shosping

I knew Skinny Minnie and Boney, would be popping into Tesco before heading to Starbucks (this is their normal routine - the fools)

Before they got up I snuck into their bag, as I needed to buy some provisions...

While they were looking at the Cadburys Creme Eggs I jumped out of the bag to get my bits I am chosing some marmalade

and here I am getting some honey (I like the CCTV sign thats above my head ;o))

They will be yummy to have in my sandwiches ;o)

I heard SM and Boney talking about going to Edinburgh for a few days, I do hope I can get my mamalade sandwiches there.

Anyhow, I shall have a look on the internet thingy when SM is at work and Boney is around his Mum & Dads. I shall let you know what I decide they are going to do ;o).